Category: Awards

  • NUS Computing Outstanding Young Alumni Award

    NUS Computing Outstanding Young Alumni Award

    LinkedIn Post Was an honor to have been invited back to NUS Computing to celebrate the opening of the new Computing building, and to receive the Outstanding Computing Young Alumni award. At this stage in my life, I’m still extremely thankful that I am considered young. As with the other awards I’ve gotten, it was…

  • SKM Voice of Loving Kindness

    SKM Voice of Loving Kindness

    Received the recognition as a Voice of Loving Kindness from Singapore Kindness Movement, with a subsequent article on The Pride. “Kindness doesn’t have to be extravagant.” – Dr. William Wan The truth is, I was never a very good student growing up, and never saw the point of giving back. I used to be that…

  • NUS Outstanding Young Alumni Award

    NUS Outstanding Young Alumni Award

    It would have been an honour to simply be considered for the NUS Outstanding Young Alumni Award, much less to go all the way to the end and receive the award. As someone who just entered his 30’s, I’m relieved that I am still regarded in some quarters as young. Jokes aside, this award is…

  • People of Good Award

    People of Good Award

    PSS is the story of how 8 ordinary Singaporeans came together to meet a need in a time of crisis. We had the support of hundreds of people, be it through the time they spent volunteering with us, or through the donations they provided. The team is committed to looking out for people we don’t…